- Arizona resident for 55 years
- Scottsdale resident for 40 years
- Married 49 years to wife, Kathy
- Two adult children, Dan and Heather
- Vietnam combat veteran -- U.S. Army, 1968-70

- Arizona Army National Guard, 1971-74
- Joe Foss Institute Veteran Presenter
- Chairman of Scottsdale's City Council Budget Subcommittee, 2004 and 2006
- Chairman of Scottsdale's Council Subcommittee on Water Issues, 2009-2013
- Member of Scottsdale's Audit Committee, 2004-2006, 2009-2013
- Member of Scottsdale's Economic Development Subcommittee, 2009-2011
- Member of the Joint Scottsdale Unified School District and City Council Committee
- Member of the Youth Sports Task Force
- Scottsdale's representative to the Papago Park Executive Committee
- Member of Scottsdale's WestWorld Subcommittee, 2006-2013
- Scottsdale's representative to the Regional Public Transit Authority (RPTA)
- Member of the Regional Public Transportation Authority (RPTA) Board of Director's Budget and Finance Subcommittee
- Chairman of Scottsdale's Council Subcommittee on Regional Aviation Issues, 2003-2006
- Member of the Arizona Governor's Advisory Council on Aviation
- Scottsdale's representative to the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Regional Aviation System Plan Policy Committee
- Appointed by the City of Phoenix to serve on their Deer Valley Airport Text Amendment Study Group
- Legislative Liaison for the Arizona Pilot's Association
- Member of Scottsdale's Joint Task Force on the Arts, 2009-2011
- Founder and President of a successful Scottsdale-based computer company, NetXpert Systems, Inc.
- 17 years of experience in corporate America as an engineer, sales executive, sales manager and general manager for a number of high-tech companies, including Prime Computer, DataPhaz, Apollo, and Hewlett-Packard. While at Prime Robert was named Branch Manager of the Year for Prime's Western Operations.
- Commercial Pilot and Flight Instructor
- Graduated from Arizona State University in 1974 with a B.S. in Engineering
- Selected to Tau Beta Pi (the National Engineering Honorary) & Alpha Pi Mu (the National Industrial Engineering Honorary)
- National Merit Finalist
Associations (Past and Present):
- 20 years working with Scottsdale's kids as a youth soccer and baseball coach, soccer referee and soccer club board member
- Eagle Scout
- American Legion
- National Federation of Independent Business
- Arizona Software & Internet Association (Former Director)
- Kiwanis
- Civitan
- Arizona Pilot's Association
- Arizona Business Aviation Association
8926 E. Sheena Drive
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
(480) 951-2549